Monday 10 August 2009

Ball Cusher!

Dear Ryn,

I recently found this picture of me and my cousin. I think I must of been around four or five. Looks painful, right??

I loved your video! I still can't believe you went to Africa!



Thursday 6 August 2009

Baboon Movie

Dear Russell,

I hope you enjoy this video.

Love Ryn

Sunday 2 August 2009

Surfing in Washington State

Dear Ryn,

Cool picture. Would you say that most of the cars you saw in Africa looked like that?

We don't have ANY waves in Washington state. The local surfers have to improvise.


Friday 31 July 2009

Another African Can

Dear Russell,

Paulina took this picture of the car across the street from us in Dar Es Salaam.

Love Ryn

Farmer tan!

Dear Ryn,

As you know, I just got back from Boise, Idaho. While there Danny and I went camping in the mountains!

We went on a couple of great hikes and went swimming (AKA skinny dipping) in this secluded lake.

Love, Russell

PS. Do you like my farmers tan?

Thursday 30 July 2009

My African Cans

Dear Russell,

I bought some super cool/cheap souvenirs in Tanzania.

Love Ryn

Thursday 16 July 2009


I didn't realize that it had been SSOOOOO long! Now that I'm done with school, I'll try to post on a semi regular basis!



Dear Ryn,

I'm sorry it's been so long. I've been sooo busy!

Guess what, I graduated with a BA in English Literature!

Next year I'm working for the Americorps as a reading tutor for elementary students.



Sunday 19 April 2009

Spring in Sweden

Dear Russell,
The same day that you took your spring picture I took one outside my door.
Happy Spring!
Love Ryn

Friday 20 March 2009

Spring 1st! *thumbs UP!*

Dear Ryn,

Today is the first day of spring. The quarter is over and I'm on spring-break. I have no big plans. Nothing too exciting is happening.

I'm graduating in three months! This summer I'm going to move in with Yayoi and Aaron and find a job being a waiter. My plan is to work my ass off all summer and then fly to Australia (or someplace warm) and join the WWOOF. I hope it happens, it would be so fun!

"Way out"?? Then would you say that Swedes are overly-talkative? Or does that mean they are just overly-polite and use less abrasive words like "way out" instead of "EXIT"?

Did you get a new computer? If you did, you should make some videos!

Love, Russell

PS. I finally finished uploading the video I made of my California Road Trip. It's 26 minutes of cheesy music and bad camera work, but I like it!

Tuesday 10 March 2009

Lost in Translation

Dear Russell,
I loved that shaving cream! I used it on my legs till I moved to Sweden. Great stuff! Will never pay money for it though.
Did you notice when you were in Sweden that it is not an Exit it is a Way Out. That says a lot about this place.

Love Ryn

Sunday 1 March 2009

Shaving Gel

Dear Ryn,

Do you remember the shaving gel at the dorms? It was several years ago during our second year of college, do you remember?...

Without realizing a mere 120 people lived on campus, Edge sent the dorms seven cases of their new product "Edge Advanced Gel". If you do the math, that gives each man about 45 cans of "advanced Gel". Each guy, and a few of the girls (lets face it, men were not the only ones who needed to save their faces in Mt. Vernon), got a bag full of orange cans.

Seeing as we all wanted to try it, everyone simitaniously went clean cut for a week. It's incredible how shaving gel can turn a hick town to yuppy-ville in just a few short hours.

When I left the dorms I purposely forgot an entire box full of the gel for future residents of Alder House 202. I kept three cans for myself, thinking that it would be enough to last me decades. I still have one left, but it's getting low. :(


PS. I still have the camera on my computer. I guess I'll be posting indoor shots from now on.

Friday 27 February 2009

Dear Russell,
I miss those guys! What are you going to do about your camera?

I heard you had one day of snow. We have had snow for awhile now. We are starting to get comfy with each other.

Love, Ryn

Sunday 22 February 2009


Dear Ryn,

Was posting the picture in your previous post necessary? HAHAHAHA! I look awful!

Last weekend Danny and I went kayaking and my camera got wet from the sea water. It won't even turn on; however, I did manage to save the memory card. Here is the last picture I took. Don't Yayoi and Aaron look great?



Saturday 7 February 2009

Pictures of Sick People

Dear Russell,

I CAN'T believe you posted that picture. We were home sick that day. REALLY SICK!
Love, Ryn

Friday 30 January 2009

The good old days!

Dear Ryn,

Congratulations! I'm happy to hear you've found a new place! What is your apartment like? I'd love to see pictures!

It's Friday and I'm extremely excited for the weekend. Tonight I'm partying it up at Ali's apartment! It should be a good time. Remember the good old days when our Friday nights consisted of taking pictures and buying soda? Ohh, I do miss my partner in crime.



Monday 26 January 2009

I have been eating my new favorite dessert

Dear Russell,
I have moved to a new part of town and started a new school. Has it really been a couple of weeks it feels like it has only been a week.
Anyways. . . on my way to my new school I pass the local bakery. In the window is sign for a new treat.


Where is Ryn?

Dear Ryn,

Where are you? I haven't heard from you for a few weeks and, frankly, I'm starting to get worried. Please write soon! :)

As you know my long living Beta (Yayoi Jr.) died over Christmas. While I wasn't planning to buy a new beta, Yayoi and Aaron took it upon themselves to buy me a new one. I haven't thought of a name yet, but I'm sure it'll come to me soon.

I hope you're well and I hope you're able to post soon.


Saturday 10 January 2009

It's that time of the year again...

Dear Ryn,

HAHAHAHA! I like Stefan's notes! Yay for witty food jokes! Have they been helping with the diet?

Now that the snow is gone, the rain has taken its place! Several roads are blocked with floodwaters (including parts of the interstate). Other places are being block because of mudslides due to the large amount of rain. The parking lot at my apartment complex is starting to flood as well! Let's hope I stay afloat!

Dear Russell,

My friend Stefan enjoys flaunting his will power infront of me. Especially when it comes to eating healthy. To help me out with my diet he left me a lovely note of support.


"I'm a tasty forbidden cookie"

My reply

"Now I will never amount to SHIT"

I love science jokes!

Love, Ryn

Wednesday 7 January 2009

I"ll OFU your UFO!

Dear Ryn,

I am, as you said, a busy little snow bunny! It looks as though you're the tape queen. I'd have to say that you're very resourceful. I didn't have a tree at my apartment. And we didn't have a digital fire either (YET NOW I WANT ONE!).

I have a bit of bad news that I forgot to tell you in my previous letters, Yayoi Jr. (my long living Beta) died. I think it was partly my fault (even though he was a very old fish and was losing all of his fins) because I left him in my apartment while I was at my parents' house for Christmas. I think he may have gotten too cold. Remember when I bought him? Remember your fish that was so ugly, what was his name?

ANYWAY, here is another picture from my trip to California. I'm thinking it's just a joke, but who knows, maybe UFOs really do exist?

Do you think it's real?


Tuesday 6 January 2009

Recycling is Important.

Dear Russell
You have always been a hard working snow bunny☺

I really can’t explain most of the things I take pictures of.

Here is a picture from under our tree. We didn’t really have a tree, only a looped video of a fireplace that played on our TV. There is some pride that comes with surviving the hard economical times.

The boy’s presents are the ones with duck tape and the girl’s presents are the ones with glitter and glue.

Love, Ryn

American Snow Creatures!?

Dear Ryn,

Is that photo representative of Swedish fashion? I've always heard that European fashion is two years ahead of fashion in the United States. And no, I don't think your man would look very good in kilt. Did you know that kilts are traditionally worn with no undergarments? Life is all about being commando!

Here is another picture from my trip. Don't be alarmed, it's a rare creature called a snow penis!

Do you remember the snow penis that was constructed outside the dorms? And how the director (good old Martha) had to knock it down. Jeez, good memories!


PS. While I didn't help build this snow penis, I did do my part by adding the sticks - I think they give it a more realistic look.

Stay Away from Ladders!

Dear Russell,
Sadly, I have yet encountered any fuzzy dice in Sweden.
Santa did come to Sweden and he brought me gift cards and money! So I have been shopping away my holiday break. Check out this ad I saw.
What do you think? Should I buy it for my man?

I look forward to more Pictures of your trip!
Love, Ryn

Monday 5 January 2009

Pull America Pull!

Dear Ryn,

Happy New Year! I'm sorry I'm so slow to write. As you know, I spent part of my vacation in sunny California. While it was the best trip EVER, I'd have to say that I'm completely exhausted. Yesterday we drove 15 hours straight!

Here is the first of many photos:

Do you get it? "We're pulling for you". HAHAHA! I'm a sucker for corny puns, especially if they're on the sides of trains. This picture was taken at the train museum in Sacramento, which I was told is the biggest train museum in the western hemisphere (just a little fun fact for ya).

How was your holiday? Did Santa bring you anything good this year? They do have Santa in Sweden, right??


PS. Are dice popular in Sweden? I didn't know that they were such a big deal.