Wednesday 7 January 2009

I"ll OFU your UFO!

Dear Ryn,

I am, as you said, a busy little snow bunny! It looks as though you're the tape queen. I'd have to say that you're very resourceful. I didn't have a tree at my apartment. And we didn't have a digital fire either (YET NOW I WANT ONE!).

I have a bit of bad news that I forgot to tell you in my previous letters, Yayoi Jr. (my long living Beta) died. I think it was partly my fault (even though he was a very old fish and was losing all of his fins) because I left him in my apartment while I was at my parents' house for Christmas. I think he may have gotten too cold. Remember when I bought him? Remember your fish that was so ugly, what was his name?

ANYWAY, here is another picture from my trip to California. I'm thinking it's just a joke, but who knows, maybe UFOs really do exist?

Do you think it's real?


1 comment:

  1. you're silly! ha!

    your beta is reincarnated as my brand new beta----who's name is: Bubbles. :)

